• For every human born, 15 puppies and 45 kittens are born.
• One female cat and her offspring can produce 420,000 cats in 7 years.
• One female dog and her offspring can produce 67,000 dogs in 6 six years.
• An estimated 6 to 8 million dogs and cats are euthanized in shelters each year. Millions more are abandoned, only to suffer on the streets from illness or injury before dying.
• In a study of relinquishment of dogs and cats in 12 U.S. animal shelters, 30% of the surrendered dogs were purebreds.
• The same study indicated that 55% of the surrendered dogs and 47% of the surrendered cats were unaltered.
• U.S. taxpayers pay an estimated $2 billion each year to round up, house, euthanize, and dispose of homeless animals.
• Approximately 90% of dogs and puppies entering shelters are killed based on reports from 1,038 facilities across America.

Every year millions of healthy and otherwise adoptable animals are killed in our shelters because there are not enough good homes for them. This tragedy is preventable. By spaying or neutering cats and dogs, we can humanely end the pet overpopulation crisis.
MYTH: Animals, dogs in particular, are less protective after sterilization and show other negative behavioral changes.
FACT: Any changes brought about by spaying/neutering are generally positive. Neutered male cats usually stop territorial spraying. Unaltered pets are three times more likely to bite than neutered pets. Neutered dogs and cats fight less and are less likely to become lost due to straying from home in search of a mate. Spayed animals do not go into heat or need to be confined indoors to avoid pregnancy. All altered animals remain protective and loyal to their guardians.
MYTH: Males do not give birth so we do not need to neuter them.
FACT: The old saying "it takes two to tango" is as true for animals as it is for humans. In addition, while a female dog or cat can only have one litter at a time. Male animals can impregnate many females each day.
MYTH: Spaying and neutering doesn't benefit any animal.
FACT: Statistics prove that animals that are spayed or neutered are healthier, live longer and are less likely to develop testicular cancer, ovarian cancer, mammary cancer, or more. In addition, spayed or neutered animals are less likely to try to run away or roam, and therefore are less likely to be hit by cars or wind up in shelters. The surgery, performed under anesthesia, is not painful, does not have a long recovery, and prevents certain deadly diseases.
MYTH: Animals must be at least six-months-old before they can be spayed or neutered.
FACT: Although animals have traditionally been altered at six months, veterinarians are now practicing spay/neuter surgery, which can be performed on animals as young as eight weeks. Doctors practicing the technique report that the surgery is significantly easier and quicker to perform. Furthermore, guardians of animals altered younger report fewer medical problems than those of conventionally altered animals. Finally, the spay/neuter procedure, before adopting out animals from shelters, is the best way to ensure that unwanted births do not occur.
MYTH: Spaying and neutering is expensive.
FACT: Mobile vans traveling throughout the City make spaying and neutering free and convenient. There are also free and low-cost spay and neuter services available to senior citizens and low income families.
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